

Monday, 30 March 2015

Library time!

Finally we are able to get back into our school library! Yay!
We have been without a 'proper' library for a year and a half while classrooms were being built and the library was being used as a temporary learning space.
We were very excited about being able to use the library again. It was so nice to be able to browse the many shelves and have all of the books in one place.
Do you know how the books are organised in the library?
Books with a RED dot on the spine are picture books.
Books with a GREEN dot on the spine are chapter books.
Books with NUMB3R5 on the spine are non-fiction books.
What books do you like to read? 
Do you have a favourite author? 
The library is also open at lunchtimes, so we can come and read or return our old book and get a new one before our next class library visit each Friday.

It's All About the Books! on PhotoPeach


  1. Hey guys! That song is so funny but so cool. We love how the video has lots of different photos...you have done such a great job making it!

    1. Thanks M11. We can't wait to see what new video you put on you blog too!

    2. Thanks M11. We can't wait to see what new video you put on you blog too!
